Secretariat of City Council

Council Press21 Feb 2022

Mayor opens new administrative office for Sinamale' 04 flats in Villimale'

The Mayor of Male', Dr. Mohamed Muizzu today opened the new administrative office of the Sinamale' 04 flats in Villimale'.

Speaking at the ceremony, the Mayor emphasised that the Strategic Action Plan of the Male' City Council included a number of important initiatives related to the Sinamale' 04 flats, and that the new office was just the start of a host of improvements and conveniences.

Mayor Muizzu noted that similar administrative offices would be opened for Sinamale' 01, 02 and 03, as well as Male' Hiya 01 and 02. He also recalled that the project to construct a new boundary wall for the flats had already been completed.

Dr. Mohamed Muizzu said that the Council was also undertaking a project to install CCTV cameras across all public areas in the Villimale' flats, to ensure the safety and security of all residents.

The Strategic Action Plan of the Male' City Council includes a number of key initiatives earmarked for Villimale', including a strong emphasis on the flats.