Approachable Council

The Male’ City Council will endeavor to always be approachable and in touch with residents. To this end, the Council will visit residents to inquire about their wellbeing, listen to their concerns, interact with residents on key issues and be inclusive in decision-making.

Schedule regular meetings between the Mayor and senior and upstanding citizens and large families of the city.

Visit every household in the city.

Establish a venue (such as a school hall) for regular meetings with the wards of Male’, and ensure the Council Members are available at designated times for residents to meet and discuss important issues.

Hold monthly public consultations to encompass different segments of society and localities, and telecast these meetings on live television.

Digital Male'

The Council will endeavour to introduce hitherto unprecedented modern and digital comforts and conveniences for the residents of Male’.

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Beautiful Male' City

The Male’ City Council will implement changes to existing design work and construction of the road network across Male’ city.

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Appealing Road Network

The Strategic Action Plan of the Male' City Council comprises of seven key visions for the improvement of the lives and livelihoods of the residents of Male'.

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Housing for the People

Our aspiration is to cater for the housing needs of the people of Male’, including efficient land allocations for residential, social and commercial needs.

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Affluent Living

Facilitating job opportunities for the residents of Male’,

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Approachable Council

The Male’ City Council will endeavor to always be approachable and in touch with residents.

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Efficient Administration

The City Council will endeavor to make all staff members proud to be a part of the team by improving administrative efficiency.

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